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Multifunkční přístřešek na veletrhu For caravan
13. 6. 2022

SVITAP at the FOR CARAVAN Trade Show

The 13th season of the FOR CARAVAN Trade Show was held at PVA EXPO Prague from 18 - 20 March 2022. During the event, the exhibition…
Sportovní hala Šapito (exteriér)
13. 6. 2022

Šapito – World-Class Sports Facility

SVITAP has taken part as a subcontractor in building roof sheathing for the Šapito sports facility in Svitavy, Czech Republic. Made from textiles and featuring artificial…
Glampingový stan Sahara (vzorová stavba)
13. 6. 2022

SAHARA Wedding Tent in Boho Style

SVITAP's SAHARA tents are great for holding your wedding ceremony outdoors in the Boho style, currently one of the hottest wedding trends. A wedding in the…


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